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AAFITN 2023 Hong Kong Thank You Note
15th Asian-Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (AAFITN) Biennial Congress: October 13-15, 2023
Asian-Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (AAFITN) was founded in 1994 by Professor Ling Feng. The last 5th 2002 Congress was held in Hong Kong with the late Prof. John Ching-Kwong Kwok. The 15th AAFITN Biennial 2023 Congress was held in Hong Kong 13rd to 15th October, with George Wong as the Congress President, 21 years after the last.
Dear Friends,
I thank all of you again with my gratitude for everyone’s effort to join and contribute to the Congress to make it a success. I believe that the congress certainly updates our current understandings in neurointervention. This is also a restart for us to get connected in the Asian Australasian Neurointervention member countries/regions community after the pandemic, and to further collaborate and support each other in all dimensions.
I also thank our sponsors for their tremendous support and contributions to our community; and without any of them, we will not be able to put together such a wonderful scientific meeting.
Also I would express our appreciation for the 24/7 dedications and support of our secretariat teams Bronza led by Grace and Mavis and Seamless led by Ace and Doris.
I am sure that our spirit of collaborations and support between our AAFITN member countries/regions will continue, and I look forward to seeing all of you in the near future. Please don’t forget to mark your time for WFITN October 2024 New York and AAFITN August 2025 Bangkok. Take care and see you.
George Wong
Congress President 15th Biennial Congress AAFITN 2023 Hong Kong